PWP file format used on Smith Corona Personal Word Processors: header: first 0x40 bytes: 00-01: LSB Length of file (less two byte length) 02-16: string " ML4D '92" 01 00 17: character pitch 04=15 05=12 06=10 18: line spacing 02=1 03=1.5 04=2 19: page length 42=11" 54=14" 46=A4 FC=off 1A: top margin (in lines) 1B: bottom margin (in lines) 1C-1D: LSB left margin (in 1/6 chars) 1E-1F: LSB right margin (in 1/6 chars) 20-3F: list of tabs: position (in 1/6th char) type: 00: regular tab C0: decimal tab 80: centered tab 40: right aligned tab hard carriage return ^J (/x10) soft carriage return ^[ (/x1B) bold characters preceeded by a ^A (/x01) underlined characters preceeded by a ^B (/x02) Bold and underlined characters preceeded by a ^C (/x03) centering begins with /x08 ends with /x0D applies only to single line and is spaced from left margin with /x1E's format-change begins with /x06 ends with /x0D and contains two bytes 0: as 17: above 1: as 18: above superscript begins with /x13 and ends with /x14 subscript begins with /x14 and ends with /x13